rose meringue cookies

I made these beautiful meringues with some leftover egg whites I had that day. I made lemon cream sandwich cookies with some of them, if you would like to try it just save 3 tablespoons of the meringue and add zest of one lemon. Spoon on the bottom of one meringue and top with another - it's really good!
6 medium egg whites
338 g granulated sugar
pink food colouring (I used Sugarflair's 'Rose' - available here)
Wilton 1M tip (available here)
1. Place the egg whites and sugar in a medium bowl.
2. Set the bowl over a pan with simmering water (make sure the pan doesn't touch the water) and beat with an electric mixer until the sugar is dissolved and stiff peaks have formed.
3. Add a couple of drops of food colouring and stir to combine.
4. Transfer to a piping bag with a large star nozzle attached (I recommend Wilton 1M) and pipe small roses by starting to pipe in the middle and then going around.
5. Bake in 110-120 C for around 2 hours.